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Fethiye Weather

Fethiye Weather Today

Here is a quick overview of the weather conditions in Fethiye right now (at our local time).

07:5718:37 +03
Feels like: 6°C
Wind: 11km/h NE
Humidity: 36%
Pressure: 1023.71mbar
UV index: 0

The details are taken from our nearest station so it should hopefully give you a good idea of the ‘real feel’ here in the Fethiye area at the moment. You’ll find a longer-range forecast further down the page.

Bear in mind, though, that weather reports around here can vary quite a lot, so it could easily be warmer in Ölüdeniz than it is in Çalış (or vice versa).

Dark cloudy sky over a calm sea in Fethiye.
It can rain in Çalış and be dry in Fethiye

And there could be really heavy rain in Kayaköy whilst there’s only light rain in the centre of Fethiye.

So, you won’t find any satellite images of Turkey weather or detailed climate information on this page!

Depending on whether you are a sun-worshipper or a sun-shirker, one person’s idea of a ‘best month’ in Fethiye is another person’s idea of the absolute ‘worst month’ in Fethiye.

Rattan umbrellas shade sun loungers spread out along Çalış beach. Branches of a tree frame the foreground.
Sun worshippers will find there’s lots of beachy time

But, with all of that in mind, here is the latest forecast for what might be going on with stuff like:

  • sun
  • wind direction
  • wind gust
  • average wind speeds
  • visible light
  • wet days
  • chance of rain in Fethiye for the next few days or so…

Fethiye Forecast – Next Few Days

15°C / 4°C
15°C / 4°C
14°C / 3°C
15°C / 3°C
16°C / 5°C

For historic weather in Fethiye you can check the previous days and months via the Weather Report on our Fethiye events calendar.

Monthly Fethiye Weather:

We get lots of questions about what the weather is like in Fethiye at different times of the year.

Well, let’s face it, if you’re coming to this part of Turkey for a short holiday, you want to know which type of clothes to pack for what you hope is going to be the best time of the year.

Olive Garden infinity pool looking out over the Mediterranean. A forest clad cliff face is to the left.
Summer is swimming pool weather

And what might be in store for you when you get here.

We are very much stereotypical Brits in that we love a good chat about the weather (actually, this subject is something Brits and Turks very much have in common).

And we do mention this favourite topic quite a lot in our blogposts about our daily life.

Obviously, the summer months in southwest Turkey are hot, hot, hot.

But, as soon as you reach the shoulder months such as April, May, September and October, there can be changeable conditions.

Snowy mountainside in the hills around Fethiye. There's a metal hut in the foreground and pine trees on the mountainside.
Experience winter in Fethiye in the mountain villages

As for winter conditions in Fethiye, well it’s a case of take your pick out of just about any situation you can think of.

Pack for all eventualities!

Early morning could be really cold with you needing to wear a few layers.

But the afternoon daytime temperature could actually turn out quite balmy. Then you might regret that extra cardigan…

Average Temperature & Maximum Temperature By Month

Avg. LowAvg. Max
Fethiye Weather – Monthly Averages

Fethiye Weather – FAQs

Which is the warmest month of the year in Fethiye?

August is typically the warmest month.

When is the driest month of the year in Fethiye?

Again, that’s usually August.

When is the coldest month in Fethiye?

January is usually the coldest month in Fethiye.

When is the wettest month in Fethiye?

As well as being the coldest month, January is also usually the wettest month in Fethiye.

What is the sea temperature in Fethiye?

The average sea temperature in Fethiye is around 22° Celsius.

But the lowest average water temperature can be as low as 16° Celsius in February and as high as 29° Celsius in August.

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