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Turkey Street – Perking The Pansies Sequel Is Here

If you’re wondering what book to read next, let us make a suggestion for you…

Yes, what seems like many many moons ago, we wrote a gushing book review of Jack Scott’s debut book, Perking The Pansies ; Jack and Liam Move To Turkey.

We loved it!

If you’re not familiar with Jack Scott, he’s a fellow blogger and, also, as you can see, a published author to boot.

Perking The Pansies was the first half of Jack’s, and husband Liam’s, expat sojourn on the Bodrum Peninsula.

We all loved it, laughed out loud, tittered, felt sad, recognised ‘expat characters’ from our own lives, wondered what was coming next…

Turkey Street - Jack And Liam Move To Turkey
If you liked Perking The Pansies, you’ll love Turkey Street!

We were told the sequel was on its way.

And then we waited…and wondered when the sequel was coming…and then, yeahy, it’s finally here!

Turkey Street – Jack & Liam Move To Turkey

Because, after 6 months, Jack and Liam decided it was time to move on from their adventures in Yalıkavak.

They took themselves off a few miles along the road to downtown Bodrum, right in the centre of where it’s all at. Welcome to Turkey Street!

Downtown Bodrum where, in summer, Brits descend on their annual holiday.

And Turkey’s rich, famous, cool young things flee the heat of Istanbul and also gather to look like…well, rich, famous and cool young things.

It’s a heady mix. And, then, stir in a few expats and Turkish locals…Bodrum’s a small town.

In exactly the same way as Perking The Pansies, if you’re anything like me, you will read Turkey Street in a matter of days (two days for me).

Jack has a cutting wit that makes you titter and suck your breath in between your teeth in how-are-you-getting-away-with-that style.

It runs through his writing…and also flows from his mouth as he quips back at some the characters in the story.

‘Story’ and ‘characters’ are the wrong words to use, really…

This is real life and real people, and, when real life and real people are involved, we’ve also got to take a dose of sadness, frustration and even anger, as well as the laughs and titters.

That’s all part of real life – it’s often accentuated in expat life – and Turkey Street is a perfect portrayal of all of that.

It’s also a portrayal of the closeness of Jack and Liam’s relationship and you’re so grateful for that for them…but we’ll not spoil the end for you…

You’ll have to read the book for yourself…

Turkey Street is now available in paperback and on Kindle

Many thanks to Jack Scott for asking us to review Turkey Street!

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Tuesday 19th of May 2015

I have read the first two chapters and am saving the rest for my Easyjet day on Friday. I'm sure Jack's prose will keep me in a good mood.

Turkey's For Life

Wednesday 20th of May 2015

Ha ha, guess you know it will, BacktoBodrum. :) Loved the book and bet you finish it on your Easyjet day. :)

Jack Scott

Monday 18th of May 2015

We've had a little bottle of bubbly to celebrate so forgive me if this all comes out all gobbledegook. All I wanted to say is thank you, thank you, thank you for this fantastic review. I'm so pleased you enjoyed Turkey Street. It's been ages in the making because life just got in the way.

Turkey's For Life

Tuesday 19th of May 2015

Don't blame you for the bubbly! Cheers! :)

And yeah, loved the book. Glad you finally got the time to sit down and write it so that we could all follow the conclusion of this little chapter of your life. :)